Stranger In A Strange Land

A German restaurant just opened in Berkeley and I thought I should have a look at the relevant Chowhound thread before venturing there myself. It sounds authentic indeed:

“There was no hostess so people did not know how to get a table and were left loitering near the door (none of the servers bothered to pay any attention to the number of people standing around waiting for a table. Bizarre).” (breanac on Chowhound)

Oh my, poor Americans, standing there like third-graders whose mom forgot to pick them up from soccer practice…welcome to the third world, where people just sit down! This is how we roll in pre-civilization Europe. You’re on your own. People fighting over chairs and tables. Tushies lowered onto seats without a hint of official authorization. Couples hogging four-seat tables. In short, anarchy. Adjust your tip accordingly! Overall, the restaurant sounds OK enough to check out, even though it threatens to deliver “Cooking and Baking with a North-German Twist.

(This comment makes me doubt the overall qualification of the contributors to this forum, though. I will not take this kind of abuse from the inhabitant of a country where “fresh joe” is routinely served from something fittingly named a “coffee urn” sitting on the counter, filled with a fluid so obnoxious that “refill” sounds like a death threat to anyone with taste buds or even just an innervated tongue.)

Busy with Americana

Dogs in Chinatown, for example. Also:

Cal cheerleaders and…

…some more cheerleaders  in the U.S. Congress.

I sure as fuck do roll on Shabbos, though not very skillfully! Our next stop is one of the most remote parts of the US:

Rumors have it they don’t even have a Starbucks there…but, alas, two lawyers and Paris Hilton.


Today's harvest

Europe, you may not rule the world anymore, but you still have culture. Like the famous Bulgarian buttermilk bugs, and all those other microbes that make life worth living, crawling through our world-famous cheeses, wines, beers and independent movies. Note the qualifier:

I walked all the way to Monterey Market and carried you home in my hand-woven shopping basket, in order not to spoil your exquisite OLD WORLD STYLE with américain behaviour. But alas, I was disappointed. The little butter pieces are missing. (Still very refreshing when blended with ripe Mangoes.)

Posted in Fresh Off The Boat, Speis & Trank. Comments Off on Epigone

Fresh Off The Boat

After five days, we have working cellphones and an american bank account (actually, we managed to get those two on our first day here!). We have a moka pot (that one was high on my list of absolute necessities),  and – if all goes well, a long-term lease for an apartment three blocks from the Gourmet Ghetto. We’ve shopped at the Berkeley Bowl, which has a mind-blowing produce section with every type and variety of fruit or vegetable known to man, and a few more*, and at Andronico’s, where Ritter Sport, Bahlsen cookies and Werther’s Echte are sold as European Gourmet Food to unsuspecting Americans. We looked at 11 apartments in the last two days, among them the in-law unit of this incredible place. Oh, we’ve also walked halfway across this bridge:

…and driven through San Francisco rush hour:

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Leaving on a jet plane